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Workflow & Sampling

Production Allocation Workflow

1. Baseline Generation

Fluid family generation via core/SWC, cuttings or produced fluid analysis​


2. Phased Fluid Characterization

Produced fluid composition and properties (family, mobility, and maturity) over time

3. Quantitative Production Allocation

Creating a development plan to maximize recovery, without stealing production or leaving resources in the subsurface

Production allocation workflow

Sample Strategies for Production Allocation

The selection of sample type, and analytical procedures, to develop a geochemical baseline defines the resolution of interpreting SRV and DRV. Depending on sample availability and play type (oil, condensate or gas) GeoMark will assist with the sampling and analytical program for each project. From advanced extraction techniques, to enhanced geochemistry techniques, GeoMark has the experience and tools available.



Core/rotary sidewall core (RSWC)

Core and Rotary Sidewall Core (RSWC)


The extraction and geochemical analysis of hydrocarbons from either core and or RSWC can provide the highest resolution geochemical profile throughout any given well. Not only can discrete rock types be selected for sampling, preserved core and RSWC samples provide the highest integrity hydrocarbon extraction for geochemical analyses.



Cuttings samples are another option for building a geochemical baseline for any development area. Cuttings drilled with oil based and water-based mud systems can be utilized, but geochemical fidelity is maintained with water-based mud cuttings. Typically, cuttings are collected at 10-30ft intervals which, when compared to core and RSWC, results in a reduced vertical geochemical baseline resolution.

Oil droplet

Produced Fluids

Geochemical characterization of fluids (oil, gas and water) from known producing intervals from surrounding wells can provide additional datapoints to support the development of a vertical and regional geochemical baseline.


GeoMark makes the process of sampling and shipping of samples easy with our pre-packaged sampling kits accompanied with clear sampling instructions. Our shipping team will also arrange the drop off and collection of these kits, or coordinate with our mud logging company partners to handle to collection and shipping process.

Analytical Approaches

Depending on sample availability, fluid type and hydrocarbon maturity, GeoMark can advise on the best sampling and analytical program to answer your subsurface questions. With proprietary extraction and analytical techniques, we guarantee to provide the best data and interpretation possible.

Oil Samples

  • Ultra-High Resolution GC

  • API Gravity

  • Weight %Sulfur

  • SARA

  • Carbon Isotopes (Saturate/Aromatic/Whole Crude)

  • Biomarkers via GCMS


Gas Samples

  • Gas Compositions (to C6+)

  • Gas Carbon Isotopes (C1-C5)

Water Samples

  • Cation/Anion

  • Alkalinity and Conductivity

  • Specific Gravity

  • TDS

  • Stable Isotopes (Hydrogen and Oxygen)

  • Metal Analysis

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