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COâ‚‚ Sequestration 
& Monitoring

In alignment with our pledge to support global initiatives for a sustainable energy future, GeoMark Research strongly believes in the safe and responsible capture and sequestration of COâ‚‚ into the subsurface. That’s why our team of geoscientists and engineers have customized traditional proven geochemical and engineering techniques to assist in the monitoring of COâ‚‚ movements, along with rock-fluid interactions within the subsurface.

Field-scale monitoring applications, such as those below, provide a cost effective, non-evasive and efficient option to assess the migration pathways of COâ‚‚ plumes within storage reservoirs and produce quantitative evidence for formation/seal breakthrough.

COâ‚‚ Plume Monitoring - Movement

COâ‚‚ sequestration acts as Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR), liberating less mobile hydrocarbons from the formation and driving them to a monitoring well.


  • Mobility of shorter chained, less mobile hydrocarbons will be increased with increased pressure from COâ‚‚ injection.

  • Regular sampling and analysis of hydrocarbons from monitoring wells can provide an indication of COâ‚‚ plume movement across a storage area.

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COâ‚‚ Plume Monitoring – Formation/Seal Breakthrough

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Baseline fluid families as defined by oil, gas and water analyses allows for the vertical fluid character (fingerprint) of each formation above, within and below the COâ‚‚ injection reservoir.


  •  Regular sampling and analysis of fluid samples from monitoring wells can provide critical information on potential reservoir breakthrough events if sudden fluid family shifts are observed in the monitoring wells

The GeoMark Promise

We promise to deliver a complete turn-key solution, which includes everything from field samplings to regular update meetings to review the performance of your COâ‚‚ sequestration project. The ‘monitoring well’ results are delivered via GeoMark’s COâ‚‚ PlumeView™ Spotfire® Dashboard, which provides an update on sampling schedules as well as analytical results and interpretations, allowing for an interactive time lapse view of your COâ‚‚ sequestration project


For more information on our COâ‚‚ Sequestration & Monitoring capabilities, or to discuss collaboration opportunities, please contact us at

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